Sunday 2 October 2011

If I wrote my very own Manifesto of Design...

If I wrote my very own manifesto of design...
I would highly recommend that you learn to manage time
Learning is a privilege
To savour with a zealous edge
Criticism can be good
It will help, or so it should.

Set yourself some principles, live by them come rain or storm
Sometimes it is better to have an ethos than conform
Inspiration comes from others
Young and old, strangers and brothers
Hearing, touch, sight, smell and taste
Don't let one sense go to waste.

Adolf Loos famously said: 'Ornament is just a crime'
But if it is justified, it can be a grand design
Take the time to read and play
Learn a new thing every day
When you research, if you're in doubt
About a reference, leave it out.

Notebooks are a splendid thing, to make a note of all you see
Rummage through the lost and found, keep things you no longer need
Listen to the client's will
Make your project fit the bill
Read the brief a hundred times
Until you see between the lines.

Good ideas are all around, you could find them anywhere
From the latest Stagmeister, to the oldest Rupert Bear
Don't let provocation phase
Let the simple things amaze
Go to places on your own
Step outside your comfort zone.

Manifesto poem written by Cherry Pie (2011)

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Bernice Myers

Bernice Myers is an author and illustrator... unfortunately I wasn't able to find out much more information about her than that!
However there is quite a lot to say about her work which is both fun and beautiful. I'm guessing that she works on textured surfaces such as canvas, or maybe she texturises the surface with a gesso... then she uses mixed mediums such as paint and pastels mainly, with perhaps a little bit of colouring pencil?
Her backgrounds are generally very simple, comprised of only a gradient or sometimes even nothing. This is definitely something that I can try to take on board in my own illustration as I have a tendency to flatten my images by trying to include too much detail into the background.


Here are the final pieces I came up with after experimenting with photography. I layered them up with textured paintings of mine and played around with opacity levels and artistic filters on photoshop. These are both going in the exhibition on series that I shall be participating in. This will take place in France over the Autumn.

Thursday 11 August 2011


I have been experimenting with layering photography and drawings/paintings this summer, here are some of the results:

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Love lies bleeding

This is a story I am currently writing/illustrating for my niece who has a rather unhealthy obsession with princesses. Last time I went to stay with my sister and her family, I took along a princess book that I had to read to her every night at bed time, so I thought I would try to make my own one and see whether she's just as keen on it!
Here are some of the illustrations I'm working on. I am trying to keep a fairly consistent style going...

Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Rihanna Saga

Some of my friends and I have a constant joke going on involving the singer, Rihanna and her apparent psychosis which she gives the impression of in some of her songs.
So, as a joke I have started making a series of comic strips recounting the adventures
she has when she meets my friends... she ends up putting most of them in hospital!!
Anyway, here is an example of the illustrations I am doing for it! 

Goodnight And Go

Illustration of the song "Goodnight and Go" by Imogen Heap.